Hard Water

Science Sunday: Hard Water Hair - Taming the Mineral Mayhem!

Welcome Science Sunday fans! Today we're tackling a common foe: hard water. This mineral-heavy water (think calcium and magnesium) might be good for pipes, but it can wreak havoc on your hair.

How Does Hard Water Hurt Your Hair?

  • Mineral Buildup: Hard water minerals cling to hair, making it feel rough, tangled, and a nightmare to manage.

  • Color Fading: Say goodbye to vibrant locks! Hard water strips away color, leaving hair dull and faded faster.

  • Scalp Issues: The mineral residue can build up on your scalp too, causing dryness, itchiness, and even dandruff.

Solutions for Soft, Happy Hair

  • Water Softeners: The ultimate defense! A water softener system removes minerals from your entire home's water, protecting both your hair and skin.

  • Chelating Shampoos: These special shampoos are like magnets for mineral buildup, grabbing them and leaving your hair cleaner and more manageable.

  • Shower Filters: An easier (and cheaper) option is a shower filter that reduces minerals just in your showerhead.

  • Acidic Rinses: A DIY approach! Rinsing with diluted apple cider vinegar or lemon juice can help remove buildup and restore shine.

Real People, Real Solutions

Check out Jolie! The only shower filter I trust: http://jolieskinco.com/tessascissorhands

The Takeaway: Fight the Good Fight!

Understanding hard water's impact is the first step to healthy hair. Whether you explore water softeners, chelating shampoos, acidic rinses, or a combination, you can fight back against mineral buildup and keep your hair healthy and beautiful.

Until next time, here's to soft showers and even softer hair!

Tessa Scissorhands

Welcome to the colorful world of Tessa Scissorhands. A young woman with a passion for technology, beauty, people, music, and the world. This website will be home to many things from Tessa's life, up to and including how-to's and personal snip-ets of her own life. Come with me and you'll be, in a world of Pure Imagination.


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